Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Task 3 - Questions About Us

1. What were your expectations on starting the course?
2. What are your initial thoughts on West College Scotland and the Media make up course?
3. What is your funniest moment of college life so far?
4. What is the most interesting thing you have learned or learned how to do so far?
5. Who is your make up idol?
6. Why do you want to be a MUA?

1. That it would be mostly makeup and hair but it's obviously not, as we work with the special effects stuff and we work on our essential skills.

2. That it's busy but quite interesting and it's improving my some of my skills, like hair.

3. When we done the icebreaker and found different things about each other.

4. Special effects, making scars using latex.

5. I don't really know yet.

6. I find it interesting and it will improve my skills and give me a qualification for it.

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